import * as mat3 from 'gl-matrix/mat3';
import * as mat4 from 'gl-matrix/mat4';
import * as vec3 from 'gl-matrix/vec3';
import * as quat from 'gl-matrix/quat';
import { glMatrix } from 'gl-matrix';
* Transformable: Manage matrix's transformations
* @category Geometry
class Transformable {
* Constructor
constructor() {
* The result matrix
* @type {mat4}
* @private
this.matrix = mat4.create();
* The normal matrix: inverse and transpose the transformation matrix
* @type {mat4}
* @private
this.normalMatrix = mat4.create();
* Origin, useful to apply rotation relatively to a point in space
* @type {vec3}
* @private
this.origin = vec3.create();
* Position
* @type {vec3}
* @private
this.position = vec3.create();
* Rotation
* @type {quat}
* @private
this.rotation = quat.create();
* Matrix with rotation data
* @type {mat4}
* @private
this.rotationMatrix = mat4.create();
* Scale
* @type {vec3}
* @private
this.scale = vec3.fromValues(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
* Indicates if the matrix/cache need to be updated
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.needTransformUpdate = true;
* Look at the given position
* @param {Array.<number>|Float32Array|Float64Array} position An array with value for each axis
* @param {Array.<number>|Float32Array|Float64Array=} up An array with value for each axis
* @return {Transformable} A reference to the instance
lookAt(position = [0, 0, 0], up = [0, 1, 0]) {
// Useful variables
const xAxis = vec3.create();
const yAxis = vec3.create();
const zAxis = vec3.create();
// Compute rotation on z-axis
vec3.subtract(zAxis, position, this.position);
vec3.normalize(zAxis, zAxis);
// Compute rotation on z-axis
vec3.subtract(zAxis, position, this.position);
vec3.normalize(zAxis, zAxis);
// Compute rotation on x-axis
vec3.cross(xAxis, up, zAxis);
vec3.normalize(xAxis, xAxis);
// Compute rotation on y-axis
vec3.cross(yAxis, zAxis, xAxis);
// Compute rotation matrix
const matrix = mat4.create();
matrix[0] = xAxis[0];
matrix[1] = xAxis[1];
matrix[2] = xAxis[2];
matrix[3] = 0;
matrix[4] = yAxis[0];
matrix[5] = yAxis[1];
matrix[6] = yAxis[2];
matrix[7] = 0;
matrix[8] = zAxis[0];
matrix[9] = zAxis[1];
matrix[10] = zAxis[2];
matrix[11] = 0;
matrix[12] = 0;
matrix[13] = 0;
matrix[14] = 0;
matrix[15] = 1;
// Send result
return this;
* Set origin
* @param {number|Array.<number>} x Origin on X or an array with origin on each axis
* @param {?number} y Origin on Y
* @param {?number} z Origin on Z
* @return {Transformable} A reference to the instance
setOrigin(x, y = this.origin[1], z = this.origin[2]) {
if (x.constructor === Array) {
vec3.copy(this.origin, x);
} else {
vec3.set(this.origin, x, y, z);
this.needTransformUpdate = true;
return this;
* Set position
* @param {number|Array.<number>} x Position on X or an array with position on each axis
* @param {?number} y Position on Y
* @param {?number} z Position on Z
* @return {Transformable} A reference to the instance
setPosition(x, y = this.position[1], z = this.position[2]) {
if (x.constructor === Array) {
vec3.copy(this.position, x);
} else {
vec3.set(this.position, x, y, z);
this.needTransformUpdate = true;
return this;
* Set rotation using values in degrees
* @param {number|Array.<number>} x Rotation on X in degrees or an array with rotation on each axis
* @param {?number} y Rotation on Y in degrees
* @param {?number} z Rotation on Z in degrees
* @return {Transformable} A reference to the instance
setRotation(x, y = 0, z = 0) {
// Compute rotation matrix
if (x.constructor === Array) {
mat4.rotateX(this.rotationMatrix, this.rotationMatrix, glMatrix.toRadian(x[0]));
mat4.rotateY(this.rotationMatrix, this.rotationMatrix, glMatrix.toRadian(x[1]));
mat4.rotateZ(this.rotationMatrix, this.rotationMatrix, glMatrix.toRadian(x[2]));
} else {
mat4.rotateX(this.rotationMatrix, this.rotationMatrix, glMatrix.toRadian(x));
mat4.rotateY(this.rotationMatrix, this.rotationMatrix, glMatrix.toRadian(y));
mat4.rotateZ(this.rotationMatrix, this.rotationMatrix, glMatrix.toRadian(z));
// Compute quaterion
const m3 = mat3.create();
mat3.fromMat4(m3, this.rotationMatrix);
quat.fromMat3(this.rotation, m3);
this.needTransformUpdate = true;
return this;
* Set rotation from a quaternion
* @param {quat} quaternion A quaternion
* @return {Transformable} A reference to the instance
setRotationFromQuaternion(quaternion) {
mat4.fromQuat(this.rotationMatrix, quaternion);
this.rotation = quaternion;
this.needTransformUpdate = true;
return this;
* Set rotation from a rotation matrix
* @param {mat4} matrix A Matrix
* @return {Transformable} A reference to the instance
setRotationFromMatrix(matrix) {
quat.fromMat3(this.rotation, matrix);
this.rotationMatrix = matrix;
this.needTransformUpdate = true;
return this;
* Set scale
* @param {number|Array.<number>} x Scale on X or an array with scale on each axis
* @param {?number} y Scale on Y
* @param {?number} z Scale on Z
* @return {Transformable} A reference to the instance
setScale(x, y = this.scale[1], z = this.scale[2]) {
if (x.constructor === Array) {
vec3.copy(this.scale, x);
} else {
vec3.set(this.scale, x, y, z);
this.needTransformUpdate = true;
return this;
* Update matrix
* @param {?Array.<number>|mat4} parentMatrix Parent transformable's matrix
* @param {boolean} forceUpdate True to force an update
* @return {boolean} True if the matrix have been updated, otherwise false
computeTransformationMatrix(parentMatrix, forceUpdate) {
// Avoid useless updates
if (!forceUpdate && !this.needTransformUpdate) {
return false;
// Compute matrix
mat4.translate(this.matrix, this.matrix, this.position);
mat4.multiply(this.matrix, this.matrix, this.rotationMatrix);
mat4.scale(this.matrix, this.matrix, this.scale);
// Apply parent's transformations
if (parentMatrix) {
mat4.multiply(this.matrix, parentMatrix, this.matrix);
// Compute inverse matrix
mat4.invert(this.normalMatrix, this.matrix);
mat4.transpose(this.normalMatrix, this.normalMatrix);
this.needTransformUpdate = false;
return true;
* Return computed matrix
* @return {Array.<number>|mat4} A reference to the object's matrix
getTransformationMatrix() {
return this.matrix;
* Return computed normal matrix
* @return {Array.<number>|mat4} A matrix
getNormalMatrix() {
return this.normalMatrix;
* Return the origin
* @return {Array.<number>|vec3} A vector with the value for each axis
getOrigin() {
return this.origin;
* Return relative position
* @return {Array.<number>|vec3} A vector with the value for each axis
getPosition() {
return this.position;
* Return the rotation in degrees
* @return {Array.<number>} A vector with the value for each axis in degrees
* @todo Implement this function
getRotation() {
throw Error('\'getRotation\' is not implemented for now …');
* Return the scale
* @return {Array.<number>|vec3} A vector with the value for each axis
getScale() {
return this.scale;
export default Transformable;