

 * A rendering API
 * @category Rendering
 * @description Web technologies allow Canvas and WebGL rendering
class RenderAPI {
     * Constructor
    constructor() {
         * Camera to use for next draw calls and graphics calculs
         * @type {Camera}
         * @protected
        this.activeCamera = null;

     * Bind light
     * @param {Light} light A Light instance
    bindLight(light) { }

     * Apply the given state block
     * @param {StateBlock} stateBlock A StateBlock instance
    applyStateBlock(stateBlock) {
        this.setDepthState(stateBlock.depthTest, stateBlock.depthWrite, stateBlock.depthFunction);
        this.setStencilState(stateBlock.stencilTest, stateBlock.stencilWrite);
        this.setStencilFunction(stateBlock.stencilFunction, stateBlock.stencilReference, stateBlock.stencilMask);
        this.setStencilOperations(stateBlock.stencilTestFail, stateBlock.stencilDepthTestFail, stateBlock.stencilSuccess);

     * Bind the given framebuffer
     * @param {number} framebufferID An identifier, -1 to bind the default frame buffer
    bindFrameBuffer(framebufferID = -1) { }

     * Bind texture to the the given slot
     * @param {number} slot Targeted slot's index
     * @param {TextureInterface} texture A Texture instance
    bindTexture(slot, texture) { }

     * Bind texture cube to the the given slot
     * @param {number} slot Targeted slot's index
     * @param {TextureCube} texture A TextureCube instance
    bindTextureCube(slot, texture) { }

     * Clear the rendering target
     * @param {Color} color A Color instance
    clear(color) { }

     * Clear cache
    clearCache() { }

     * Create a new frame buffer
     * @return {number} An identifier to work with it later
    createFrameBuffer() { return 0; }

    * Draw indexed primitives
    * @param {DrawingMode} drawingMode Drawing mode to use
    * @param {number} firstVertexIndex Index of the first vertex to draw, useful to draw some parts
    * @param {number} vertexCount Vertex count to draw
    drawIndexedPrimitives(drawingMode, firstVertexIndex, vertexCount) { }

    * Draw primitives
    * @param {DrawingMode} drawingMode Drawing mode to use
    * @param {number} firstVertexIndex Index of the first vertex to draw, useful to draw some parts
    * @param {number} vertexCount Vertex count to draw
    drawPrimitives(drawingMode, firstVertexIndex, vertexCount) { }

     * Init frame buffer: attach it to textures, depth buffer and/or a stencil buffer
     * @param {number} framebufferID Targeted slot's index
     * @param {Array.<Texture>} textures An array of Texture instances
     * @param {boolean=} useDepthBuffer True to use a depth buffer
     * @param {boolean=} useStencilBuffer True to use a depth buffer
    initFrameBuffer(framebufferID, textures, useDepthBuffer = true, useStencilBuffer = false) { }

     * Set camera to use
     * @param {Camera} camera A Camera instance
    setActiveCamera(camera) {
        this.activeCamera = camera;

     * Set blend mode to apply
     * @param {BlendMode} blendMode A BlendMode instance
    setBlendMode(blendMode) { }

     * Set depth state
     * @param {boolean} depthTest True to activate depth testing, otherwise false
     * @param {boolean} writeTest True to activate depth writing otherwise false
     * @param {DepthFunction} depthFunction Depth function to apply
    setDepthState(depthTest, writeTest, depthFunction) { }

     * Set face culling state.
     * @param {FaceCulling} mode Face culling mode to set.
    setFaceCulling(mode) { }

     * Set geometry to use
     * @param {Geometry} geometry A Geometry instance
    setGeometry(geometry) { }

     * Set index buffer to use
     * @param {number|WebGLBuffer} buffer A buffer instance
    setIndexBuffer(buffer) { }

     * Set program to use
     * @param {Program} program A Program instance to use
     * @return {number} -1: an error occured, 0: everything is ok, 2 : program have been changed
    setProgram(program) { return -1; }

     * Set uniform value
     * @param {Program} program A Program instance to use
     * @param {string} name Uniform's name
     * @param {Type} type Type of value to send
     * @param {?Array<number>|Texture|boolean|number|Float32Array} value A value
     * @param {number=} groupCount When an element is an array, you can create group (like sub-array)
     * @return {boolean} True if uniform has been set successfully, otherwise false
    setUniform(program, name, type, value, groupCount) { return false; }

     * Set scissor test state
     * @param {boolean} state True to activate scissor testing, otherwise false
     * @param {number} x Position on x from the left of the screen
     * @param {number} y Position on y from the bottom of the screen
     * @param {number} w Width of the rectangle
     * @param {number} h Height of the rectangle
    setScissorTest(state, x, y, w, h) { }

     * Set stencil test state
     * @param {boolean} activate True to active stencil testing, otherwise false
     * @param {number} writeMask Stencil writing value
    setStencilState(activate, writeMask) { }

     * Set stencil function to use
     * @param {StencilFunction} stencilFunction Function to use
     * @param {number} reference Reference value
     * @param {number} mask Mask to use
    setStencilFunction(stencilFunction, reference, mask) { }

     * Set stencil operations to use
     * @param {StencilOperation} sFail Function to use
     * @param {StencilOperation} dpFail Reference value
     * @param {StencilOperation} dppPass Mask to use
    setStencilOperations(sFail, dpFail, dppPass) { }

     * Set vertex buffer to use
     * Warning: You must call "setVertexFormat" before!
     * @param {number} stream An integer representing stream to use
     * @param {number|WebGLBuffer} buffer A buffer instance
    setVertexBuffer(stream, buffer) { }

     * Set vertex format to use
     * @param {VertexFormat} format A VertexFormat instance
    setVertexFormat(format) { }

     * Get the active camera
     * @return {Camera} A Camera instance or null
    getActiveCamera() {
        return this.activeCamera;

export default RenderAPI;