import { mat3, mat4 } from 'gl-matrix';
import { DepthFunction, DrawingMode } from '../../StateBlock';
import Geometry from '../../Geometry';
import { Program } from '../../Program';
import RenderCommand from './RenderCommand';
import Type from '../../Types';
* Draw Skyboxes
* @category Rendering
* @extends {RenderCommand}
class SkyboxCommand extends RenderCommand {
* Constructor
* @param {Skybox} skybox A Skybox instance
constructor(skybox) {
* The Skybox instance to draw
* @type {Skybox}
* @private
this.skybox = skybox;
* Execute the command
* @param {RenderAPI} renderAPI RenderAPI instance used to process the commands
execute(renderAPI) {
const texture = this.skybox.getTexture();
if (!texture || !texture.isReady()) {
// Use custom or default program.
let program = this.skybox.getCustomProgram();
if (!program) {
if (SkyboxCommand.isDefaultProgramLoaded()) {
program = SkyboxCommand.sharedProgram;
} else {
// Program
const programCode = renderAPI.setProgram(program);
if (programCode === -1) {
// Must send/update shared uniforms
if (programCode === 1) {
renderAPI.setUniform(program, 'projection', Type.Matrix, renderAPI.getActiveCamera().getProjectionMatrix());
// Tip: Remove last row and col from the matrix to get an infinite Skybox
const viewMatrix = renderAPI.getActiveCamera().getViewMatrix();
const m = mat3.fromMat4([], viewMatrix);
renderAPI.setUniform(program, 'view', Type.Matrix, this.toMat4(m));
// Send uniforms
renderAPI.setUniform(program, 'uModel', Type.Matrix, this.skybox.getTransformationMatrix());
// States and apparence
renderAPI.setDepthState(false, false, DepthFunction.Less);
renderAPI.bindTextureCube(0, texture);
// Bind geometry
// Draw object
renderAPI.drawIndexedPrimitives(DrawingMode.Triangles, 0, SkyboxCommand.sharedGeometry.getIndexCount());
toMat4(mat) {
const result = mat4.create();
result[15] = 1; result[14] = 0; result[13] = 0; result[12] = 0;
result[11] = 0; result[10] = mat[8]; result[9] = mat[7]; result[8] = mat[6];
result[7] = 0; result[6] = mat[5]; result[5] = mat[4]; result[4] = mat[3];
result[3] = 0; result[2] = mat[2]; result[1] = mat[1]; result[0] = mat[0];
return result;
* Check if the default program is ready, otherwise the function load it
* @return {boolean} Return true if the default program is loaded
static isDefaultProgramLoaded() {
if (SkyboxCommand.sharedProgram.isReady()) {
return true;
const vertexShader = `
uniform mat4 projection;
uniform mat4 view;
uniform mat4 uModel;
attribute vec4 aPosition;
attribute vec4 aColor;
varying vec4 vColor;
varying vec4 vUV;
void main() {
gl_Position = projection * view * aPosition;
vColor = aColor;
vUV = aPosition;
const fragmentShader = `
uniform lowp samplerCube skybox;
varying lowp vec4 vColor;
varying mediump vec4 vUV;
void main() {
gl_FragColor = textureCube(skybox, * vColor;
SkyboxCommand.sharedProgram.loadFromData(vertexShader, fragmentShader);
return false;
* Default geometry for skybox rendering
* @type {Geometry}
* @private
SkyboxCommand.sharedGeometry = Geometry.createCube(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
* Default program for skybox rendering
* @type {Program}
* @private
SkyboxCommand.sharedProgram = new Program();
export default SkyboxCommand;